Virtual adoption
Why virtual adoption? Most animals at Usko’s Nest have experienced high levels of abuse, torture, neglect, injuries, pain and fear. And because of that they are traumatised and left with chronic health conditions, for which they need extra care. Some also have lost their trust in people but feel safe in the pack.
Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest Dog Shelter, to keep them safe and healthy and to keep the shelter running. With regular monthly sponsors more stable income can be created which will benefits the animals and the continuity of the shelter. Consider to become a monthly sponsor for one or more of the rescues of Usko's Nest. You can become a sponsor for any amount you feel comfortable within your own budget. With your monthly donation you secure the care for your dog at Usko's Nest.
- you decide which dog you will support
- you decide how much your monthly donation will be
Get in touch with us if you wish to save the life of a stray animal by virtual adoption or if you have more questions.
To contact us fill in the form below
The following dogs are waiting for one or more monthly sponsors:
Bess was saved from the streets when she was about five months old, she was scared, traumatised and had a deformed front leg. Although her leg is a bit shorter by the deforming, she can use it as normal. Bess has recovered from her trauma’s and she now belongs to the oldies at Usko’s Nest.
Will you become her monthly sponsor?


Mrvica was saved from an abuser in 2014 - she was all wet and covered with fleas, skinny and starved.
Now Mrvica belongs to the oldies of Usko’s Nest.
Will you become her monthly sponsor?

Mala is one of the oldies at Usko's Nest. She was so traumatised while she was on the streets that she is still scared of most people. But she is good with other dogs.
Will you become her monthly sponsor?

Maki was saved from the middle of nowhere. Maki is available for virtual adoption. Will you become his monthly sponsor?
Timmy is a very shy boy and he is available for virtual adoption. Will you become his monthly sponsor?

Teddy and Freddy
These two brothers, Teddy and Freddy were saved in 2013 when they were puppies. Someone had left them in the busy street without a mum when they were spotted by Dalida. They were lost and traumatised. Both of them are cute with incredible characters.
Will you become the monthly sponsor of Teddy and Freddy?

Vuk (Wolf)

In 2018 Vuk was saved when he was a puppy, hit by a car and ended up badly injured with a broken jaw. It took months for him to recover. Now he is a happy and healthy boy.
Will you become Vuks monthly sponsor?
Klempo was found as a pup in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately that is a common habit in Bosnië to leave helpless puppies in the fields or woods…
Klempo is a very sweet boy and he is available for virtual adoption. Will you become his monthly sponsor?

Smiley was found as a puppy by Dalida on a busy street when she was lost and alone without her mum.
Smiley is available for virtual adoption. Will you become her monthly sponsor?


Donny was hit by a car before he was rescued. Donny is available for virtual adoption. Will you become his monthly sponsor?
Bobby is available for virtual adoption. Will you become his monthly sponsor?


This is Princess. She is available for virtual adoption. Will you become her monthly sponsor?
Molly was wandering, alone, in the woods and was fed by Dalida because she was malnourished. Now Molly is safe at the shelter.
Will you become her monthly sponsor?

Pasa was saved from dog fighting and has chronic health issues.

Will you help with the care for Pasa and become his monthly sponsor?

Will you help with the care for Naila and become her monthly sponsor?

Buba is a lovely girl. She is chubby because of a hormone problem.
Will you help with the care for Buba and become her monthly sponsor?

Will you help Dalida with the care for Zucka and become her monthly sponsor?


Who wants to help Dalida with the care for Janje and become his regular, monthly sponsor?
Janje was found together with his brothers Dabo and Cupko in the middle of nowhere in 2014. They were only little puppies and without their mum. This is unfortunately a common habit in Bosnia. Janje suffers from skin problems. He can be a bit bossy every now and then.


In 2017 Mona was found together with her sister Mila, at a garbage dump. They were frozen and hungry. They also suffered from demodex. Unfortunately Mila died June 2023 of diabetes and kidney failure.
But Mona is still looking for a monthly sponsor. Will you help Dalida with the care for Mona and become her regular sponsor?

Hope was left to die beside a busy road, (March 2022), dehydrated, frozen and with two broken legs.
Will you help Dalida with the care for Hope and become her regular sponsor?