Happy New Year 2024
Despite terrible situation with fireworks, all our animals are alright. We had a long night comforting them 💙 unfortunately, I have already received news about animals that felt consequences of the last night

Damage earthquake to the shelter

First of all thank you so much for your concern dear friends 💙 no one was hurt during the earthquake but some blocks were crushed, there were some cracks at the shelter building and the small kennel building was damaged again. This was the last thing that we needed
December 30, 2023 - A strong earthquake happened in our area, literally an epicentre was near Sarajevo tonight. Its magnitude was 5.4/5.6
We are checking for damage

Please hear the cry of rescuers...
September 23, 2022 - Dalida: Last night, after being bullied by neighbours, authorities and people a young rescuer committed a suicide. He was only 20 years old, and he had been threatened that his animals would have been taken away. Legally, his case could have be solved successfully but he didn’t get a good advice or support. He didn’t have anyone to help him. It might be shocking for you to hear that every one of us has been at that point at least once. My dad died because he couldn’t cope with stress and injustice. We are all abused here, we are chased by authorities, by bad people, by system, we must fight on our own, we constantly live in fear if our animals will be hungry, we see abused and traumatised animals every day, we do the most difficult thing in the world and when we cry not many people hear us. We cry because we are chased while we do right things, we cry because we have obligations to our animals and we don’t know if we will be able to fulfil them. We are pressured, we are over stressed and we are constantly on the edge. One young life was lost because he couldn’t cope with the evil of this country.

September 21, 2022 - Lovely and beautiful Troy died today, totally unexpected. Thank you so much Mieke from The Netherlands that you were Troy's monthly sponsor so that he got the needed vitamines and supplements for his bones and muscles.

Annual rabies vaccination
September 12, 2022 - Annual RABIES vaccination - part II - It is time to raise funds for another 43 dogs for their rabbies vaccines.
Rabies vaccination is a legal and an annual obligation and due to national pet registry, the vet inspection is notified when rabies vaccinations expired, and for 43 dogs, they are going to expire by this month. As you know, Dalida always gets an excellent report from the vet inspection so she must vaccinate dogs.
One rabies vaccine costs €10 - Can you help?
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For rabies Dalida')
Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
OrWestern Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you so much for caring

Cute, cuter, cutest...
September 5, 2022 - Time for cuteness you probably remember nine babies that were saved with their mum from the middle of nowhere. Look at them they are getting bigger and stronger these babies would have died of hunger if I hadn’t taken them at the time

Food Appeal!
September 2, 2022 -
FOOD APPEAL To help Usko's Nest Dog Shelter to survive, it is not only necessary to get weekly food order of €650 (as by the way we haven’t even reached that for this week yet...)
NO, it is to order as much food as possible for autumn and winter. As dogs will start to eat more when temperature starts dropping. In cold winter they eat twice a day. And prices will go up again. And deliveries take much longer due to the increase of fuel prices. So all your help is much much welcome and appreciated
Please if you can help, every euro is an euro!
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
OrWestern Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie
Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you so much

? ? ?
September 1, 2022 - Who is this handsome guy?

Monthly sponsors needed
September 1, 2022 - Virtual adoption is an important way to help Dalida keeping the animals safe and healthy at Usko's Nest. With your monthly donation you secure the care for “your” dog. The average amount of sponsoring is €30 a month but you may choose any other amount that feels comfortable within your own budget.
On this picture: Cupa, Bijelko, Brka, Olivia, Bijelka, Lola and Bobo, all looking for a monthly sponsor

Who will buy the dogs some cans of wet food?
September 1, 2022 - As things are getting more and more complicated in Bosnia, it is important for Dalida to order food constantly. Who will buy the dogs some cans of wet food? One can costs €1,55 Your help is most welcome and appreciated Thank you!
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')
Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
OrWestern Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie
Or Laila’s Swish

He is given the name Balou
August 31, 2022 - His name is now Balou. Blood tests shown that it isn't good. Babesiosis is caused by tic bites and as Balou was all over with tics this wasn't a surprise. Balou needs lots of care as babesiosis can cause kidney failure. He needs immunity therapies and vitamins to keep up his immunity. All help is needed.

Time for deworming the dogs!
August 30, 2022 - Now it is time for another round of deworming for the animals at Usko's Nest Dog Shelter 300 pills are needed - As Some large and heavy dogs need several pills. With €10 you can buy 15 pills. But any other amount is welcome too every euro counts, can you help us?

Puppy left by the shelter
August 29, 2022 - This little sweetheart was found near the shelter by Dalida. Tics all over his little body. Urgent help is needed as tics can cause the dangerous tic disease babesiosis. He needs immunity therapies and vitamins. All help is needed.

International Dog Day
August 26, 2022 - International Dog Day

August 23, 2022 - New friendship at Usko's Nest Dog Shelter

It is all about saving lives
August 22, 2022 - Animals don’t own anything except their own life and still they face unimaginable cruelty. This little family would have died in horror, if I hadn’t picked them and taken them to safety. Not many animals have that luck here. Once I take an animal, that animal becomes my responsibility and since I live in the most corrupted and poorest country in Europe and probably the most absurd country in the world, lives of animals that I save depend on my ability to provide help thanks to good people. Those good people are you. We are dealing in uncertain and cruel times so please help to help all those animals otherwise they would face horrors from which they have been saved

August 22, 2022 - Beka crossed the rainbow bridge this morning at 04.29 this is one of the saddest posts that I have written. She died in Nina’s arms. She died of heart failure. After everything that we had gone through, it was what it had to be in the end. Beka was more than special, she was an inspiration, she was an amazing little girl with wonderful character. I want to thank all of you who helped her to see that there was love and goodness in this cruel world, all of you who believed in us and provided the first class treatments and care for her. Thank you for giving her a chance.

Beka at the vets
August 21, 2022 - We spent the evening at the clinic where I had an opportunity to see the tumour with my vet. The tumour itself isn’t a problem. It looks a like a small bag full of water and I am sad that you can’t actually see how much it has been decreased. The problem is that Beka has fluid in her body, which is causing her heart to work hard and she is having difficulties with breathing. That fluid is unfortunately a consequence not only of disintegration of the tumour but also side effects of meds. This is a challenging situation because on one side we must keep her hydrated and on the other side we must pump liquids from her organism. My vet administered medications for draining extra fluids from the body. I must say that this is serious but not unexpected situation. Beka is such brave girl and she is so interested in the world around her. We will do our best to go through all this.

Update Beka
August 20, 2022 - Beka isn't feeling very well. So fingers crossed for her.

A pool is a pool...
August 20, 2022 - New addition to Usko's Nest

We have a match!
August 18, 2022 - We have a match!!! Thank you all for your help to make this happen, it is wonderful to see everyone so involved! Beka's bill can be paid!

Bringing a mum and her 9 puppies to a save place
August 15, 2022 - Mother dog with her 9 babies were left in a remote place in the woods. Some men working there gave her some food as mum is so skinny. Now they are all at a safe place.

August 14, 2022 - A Match Fund Challenge to pay Beka's vet bill!
An anonymous supporter has offered a Match Fund Challenge up to €750 for Beka’s vet bill.
If you donate €10 this supporter will donate €10
If you donate €25 this supporter will donate €25
If you donate €50 this supporter will donate €50
Up to a total of €750

Beka came home
August 13, 2022 - Beka and Nina arrived safe home from Slovenia. Exhausted but happy to be back home.

Urgent fundraising for Beka
August 10, 2022 - Beka is going to be released from the clinic on Friday August 12, so it is absolutely urgent to pay at least one part of the bill also, costs of the trip must be paid. Who will help us?
There are few ways to donate:
PayPal animals.075@outlook.com
For People without Paypal living in Europe; donating to Dalida is also possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')
Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donate
Dalida Kozlic
Sehidska bb
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish

The bill from the clinic for Beka's treatments
August 9, 2022 - We have just received a bill. Although it says 3.224,99e, since 600e has already been sorted, It is 2.624,99 e and we still don’t have a date for getting Beka home so not only that we must raise these funds quickly but we also must add funds for the trip home and eventual medications that we will have to buy there. These treatments have saved Beka’s life and we must continue helping her so please we must start raising funds tonight

August 9, 2022 - You don’t know this girl, right? Well the reason for not knowing her was that she barely left her kennel. She was saved from one of our public horror shelters five years ago, and she was to scared to go out. She usually went out sometimes when no one watched. Look at her now her name is Lola and this is what we do, we help animals to recover from the most horrific traumas
Rehabilitation of animals that are saved from terrible ordeals is a long process but we always have good results.

It is very important to provide a personalised care for each one of rescues, which means that every rescue gets care in accordance with its needs and specifics. All rescues have been saved from different circumstances and not only that taking care depends on their size or hair or weight, it also depends on their general health condition and their background story. Every rescued animal is an individual with different needs and specifics and we carefully adapt care, food, exercise, vet care to their needs and personalities. It takes commitment and hard work but when you see our rescues, you see results of such approach
Poor boy Azur died
August 6, 2022 -Old boy Azur was found on August 2, 2022, with a huge external tumour, in a very bad and poor condition. The vets did everything they could to find out what kind of tumour it was and how to help him. But unfortunately Azur died today. The comfort was that he didn't die alone in the streets in agony and pain, but that he was not alone and surrounded by love and care.

Old dog with tumour
August 4, 2022 - This poor old boy was saved two days ago. Dalida arranged his arrival at the vet clinic. He has a huge external tumour, he is in a bad condition and he needs all possible help. It is necessary to establish what type of a tumour this is, if internal organs are tumours, improve his condition and prepare him for an operation and in order to do that we need funds!
Can you help with this poor dog please?

August 3, 2022 - Beka’s new sessions of treatments have started and she is doing fine at the moment most of her tumour is swelling and not the tumour’s mass and we hope that new radiation treatments will destroy the remaining parts of the tumour and drain it as well. These are exhausting treatments so please keep your fingers crossed for our lovely girl

Help needed with weekly food bill
August 2, 2022 - ANIMALS eat every day Can you help with weekly food bill? Your help is more than welcome and so much appreciated.
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you for caring

Beka at the clinic of Slovenia
August 1, 2022 - Beka and Nina arrived at the clinic. Beka is swollen but luckily she is finally there now.

On their way to the Clinic of Slovenia

August 1, 2022 - Due to illness Dalida can't come to Slovenia with Beka. Nina is taking the trip to the clinic alone with Beka.
Beka is sleeping smoothly in the back of the car.
August 3, 2022 - Unfortunately Dalida has Covid and is very ill...

Hot days!
July 24, 2022 - It was busy and incredibly hot day, not many animals want to be outside, and keeping them cool and hydrated is the most important task

Food appeal!
July 23, 2022 - The first order is going to be send today, and smaller one can be send on Sunday so we don’t have much time. Who will help us to buy food for our animals?
Please read full update for details, we really need your help food prices have been increased for 75% it is a disastrous situation because we can’t buy nearly the same quantity of food for the same amount of money. I am fighting against time again so please help us today due to enormous fuel prices, there are problems with transport of imports and it is more likely that if we don’t order a big order again, we will have a gap between using all food and getting new food, which means no food in a storage for our animals. Also, it is unknown when prices will be increased again so we must beat the clock in that segment too. We are running of time and I must pay for new orders otherwise we won’t have food for animals. Please join this action to raise funds for food. Just imagine what 75% increase in prices means for us, how we are struggling

Important notice, please read!
July 21, 2022 - Dalida: " To all our dear friends and supporters. Dear friends,
Since you are one of our biggest and important support, I want to inform you that due to horrific crisis, we have reached the breaking point for the shelter. I am not sure how our future will look like, but I want to thank you for always being true friends of our animals and us.
There are some examples of what we are facing and dealing with at the moment:
- The same amount of funds that used to be enough for food for almost 30 days few months ago, is enough for 20 days now, just because animals eat less due to heat. Also, I must make new order because import deliveries are taking too long due to problems with transport companies because enormous fuel prices- prices of basic dry food have been increased for 75% and I am not sure if we will have the same price or prices will be even higher within few days, secondly orders can be on hold for days because every day transport companies are being closed here- We must organise things for the shelter, go from Breza to Ilijas and from Ilijas to Breza daily, buy things, take animals to vets, visit vets and suppliers, and combination of using our really old car or being driven by a friend is worrying me a lot because we can’t keep up either way. Fuel costs almost 2e per litre and we can’t keep up- We have many injured or sick animals that need interventions and constant checks, and their well beings depend on my ability to provide vet care- I won’t event mention prices of human food, cleaning products or maintaining products because they are skyrocketing as well as bills
Basically this means that we don’t have time to lose, we can’t keep going from a day to a day. It is impossible under these circumstances so please join our efforts to provide things for longer period of time otherwise we won’t be able to take care of animals properly.
Thank you so much for reading our update and being supportive.
Love and hugsDalida and Meliha"

Food must be ordered
July 21, 2022 - Dalida: "I know that you all think that after big food order things are settled, but they aren’t and we really need your help food prices have been increased for 75% it is a disastrous situation because we can’t buy nearly the same quantity of food for the same amount of money. I am fighting against time again so please help us today due to enormous fuel prices, there are problems with transport of imports and it is more likely that if we don’t order a big order again, we will have a gap between using all food and getting new food, which means no food in a storage for our animals. Also, it is unknown when prices will be increased again so we must beat the clock in that segment too. We are running of time and I must pay for new orders otherwise we won’t have food for animals. Please join this action to raise funds for food. Just imagine what 75% increase in prices means for us, how we are struggling"

There are few ways to donate:
PayPal: animals.075@outlook.com
For People without Paypal living in Europe; donating to Dalida is also possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')
Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donate
Dalida Kozlic
Sehidska bb
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
July 21, 2022 - Dalida: "Regarding the situation at the shelter, we are fully focused on protection our animals from the heat, while important works are being done in the background even river Miljacka is disappearing in the capital city Sarajevo, and water reduction has already started in Breza. Our primary concern is to constantly change water, keep kennels cooled, take care of nutrition and protect animals from parasites. This heat is unbearable for me and it is one of reasons because I am unwell I worry about oldies and after losing few of our rescues, I am very anxious"

Emergency appeal
July 19, 2022 - !! DALIDA: “I feel like everything is falling apart including me. It is getting impossible to deal with prices, extreme temperatures, delivery problems. We can’t cope anymore like this” !!

To all followers... if you all could send €2,00 to Dalida today you help her a lot... just €2,00 by all of you...
You can use these ways, please mention €2,00 for Dalida
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention '€2,00 for Dalida')Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
OrWestern Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
Dalida: "We can't cope anymore like this"
July 19, 2022 - Dalida: " I feel like everything is falling apart including me. It is getting impossible to deal with prices, extreme temperatures, delivery problems. We can’t cope anymore like this"

Help needed to set up an emergency fund
July 18, 2022 - DALIDA: “As you could see from our recent sad rescue situations, time is always an enemy and a luxury at the same time, and that is why I always try to explain that it is important to have some kind of an emergency fund and stock of medications even medications that are rarely used. Lives depend on us, and not being able to provide help is my biggest fear so I will try to set up and emergency fund for emergency cases and medications who would like to join us?”

When donating mention “Emergency fund”
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida Emergency fund’) Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie
Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you so much for helping and caring!!
Join Teaming and help for just one euro a month
Become a Teamer, it is safe, it is easy, it is a HUGE help
And it cost you only €1,00 a month
Food must be ordered constantly
July 18, 2022 - Waiting time between import deliveries is getting longer, because of huge issues with transport companies due to fuel prices, which means that we must constantly order food in order to avoid literally not having food

Devasting news - poor Lilly died
July 16, 2022 - Lilly died of tetanus infection by unprofessional conduct of a vet who operated Lilly's broken leg and placed a pin in her leg. (NOTE: this wasn't one of Dalida's own vets!) He placed the pin wrongly and neglected a wound on Lilly's foot. Lilly became very ill and despite all the medication her body couldn't win the battle with the infection.

Lilly is badly ill
July 14, 2022 - Unfortunately, we took Lilly from the vet who had admitted and operated her before we knew about her. First of all a pin wasn’t installed in her leg properly, and it was wired. One vet confirmed that they had seen small wound on her feet, another denied it. In any case, that wound was bandaged and only thanks to our decision to do checks up with my vets, we discovered that wound that probably had been infected by pins and wires. Lilly has very bad infection. We must wait for analysis of bacterias, but it is bad. I can’t post a video of her leg, because it is too disturbing. Although she has been treated with antibiotics, the bone is rooting so basically we are treating her with antibiotics cocktail, painkillers cocktails, immunity cocktails, infusions cocktails, vitamins, re dehydration cocktails. She is bad, her blood results are bad, we must stabilise her in order to operate leg again and stop this. This lovely baby needs all possible help.

Poor little Sonny died
July 12, 2022 - Life can be so unfair sometimes, little baby Sonny died... His internal injuries were too big to handle for his little body. Vets did everything they could but in the end he didn't make it...

Update Sonny
July 11, 2022 - Sonny doesn’t has freshly broken bones, which is a miracle, but he has an old fracture of the leg, which hasn’t healed properly. The worst thing is that his abdominal wall is ruptured. Sonny is going to be operated Tuesday morning. Another vet is going to operate, because he is a specialist in abdominal surgery.

Emergency pup Sonny
July 9, 2022 - Help is urgently needed for this beautiful baby he had been literally smashed by a car. The biggest worry are a swollen abdomen, and dark diarrhoea, which indicate possibility of internal bleeding. His leg and ribs are also almost certainly broken, and another leg is dislocated. Your help is needed to help him and this is urgent!

Emergency pup Lilly
July 8, 2022 - This little girl had been hit by a car, and one couple took her to vets, who operated and put a pin in her leg. The leg was badly broken that couple paid costs of the operation but they couldn’t take her nor vets had a solution for her therefore they asked me to take her, which I did because the girl didn’t have any alternative. I will place her at my friend’s place, but I need your help to help this girl urgently vets who operated, weren’t my vets, because this wasn’t in our area, and probably the pin wasn’t applied in a correct way. I must provide following:
- antibiotics, painkillers, immunity therapies (she is a puppy), bandages, disinfectant and I must provide it today. All of that will cost about 100e
- examinations (blood tests) and x rays so we can establish what to do with her leg. All examinations will cost about 100e
- we will probably need another procedure but we will know that after examinations
The most important thing is to keep her leg disinfected and clean

Protests against extremely high prices and inflation
July 7, 2022 - Protests were organised because of extremely high prices and inflation across the country yesterday. It is getting impossible to survive here. However, this won’t result in any changes

Look at Hope...
July 6, 2022 - Look at Hope this is why your support is so important. Hope had been hit by a car, and left to die in coldness in one of busiest roads. Her front leg was broken and her hip was dislocated. Hope’s pins were removed today. She can finally walk normally. It will take some time for her to fully recover but this is a huge improvement your donations save lives and make a huge difference for animals that would die in agony if there wasn’t your help

it is important for children to learn how to treat animals
July 6, 2022 - It is important for children to learn how to treat animals, how to love them, how to take care of them. Dalida grew up in a family that rescued animals from the horrors of the streets in Bosnia where stray dogs are brutaly killed for no reason or caught and brought to public pounds and left to die there. Growing up in these circumstances Dalida has seen the most horrific things done to animals and that is why she is now a rescuer in heart and soul. When she sees an injured animal she will do everything that is in her power to rescue and save it. But she can’t do this on her own. She can only continue her work with you, her friends, followers, sponsors and supporters. Especially in the current situation with prices sky high and with the current strike in Bosnia and Herzegovina...
So thank you for being there for Dalida her mother Meliha and for the animals.

July 3, 2022 - It is official - transport companies are going to start a strike due to enormous prices of fuel on Monday, which means that there isn’t going to be transport of goods here.

A pool for cooling down
July 2, 2022 - It is extremely hot so a pool for the dogs is installed. But the dogs are a bit confused with the pool and use it for now as a large drinking bowl.

Announcement of a strike in transport
July 1, 2022 - And now about critical situation in my country transport companies from half of the country have announced that they are about to stop transport of all good on the 4th July, and that the strike is going to last at least 10 days. Although there is no announcement from the other half of the country about a strike, this means that huge part of international import is going to be suspended and we aren’t going to be enough goods at shops.

Food Match Challenge is matched!
June 28, 2022 - A big thank you to all of you who made this possible!

Join the Food Match Challenge
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPalanimals.075@outlook.com
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie
Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you

Again a raise of food prices
June 24, 2022 - We got an announcement for new food prices this morning a bag of 10kg of dry food is going to cost 9.6e. Those prices are going to be active from tomorrow. We have time to order more food with older prices today and tomorrow morning, and every order that comes after tomorrow morning is going to be delivered with new prices. I must say that is really disastrous for us so please let’s order more food while we can with older price

Troy is doing so well
June 23, 2022 - Animals recover thanks to your help and we have results thanks to your help Troy was so badly injured that he couldn’t walk at all, his knee was destroyed and his hip was dislocated. Troy walks again now. His artificial knee has adjusted to his organism, his hip has recovered better than we expected.
When you donate, you donate to
- save a life
- cure from pain, injuries and diseases
- provide care
- help to recover
And as you can see we have amazing achievements for so many animals

Dalida can't save lives on her own...
June 23, - 2022

Another loss...
June 22, 2022 - Another sudden death. Lovely, beautiful Burence died today, probably because of the extreme heat. He lived at the shelter together with his brother Bijelko. They were saved together in 2014 from an abusive neighbour. Burence was about 12 years old.

All crossed the Rainbow bridge this year
June 22, 2021 - It is hard to believe but all these precious, lovely and amazing animals of Usko's Nest Dog Shelter crossed the rainbow bridge from January this year untill now... As animal lovers yourself you can imagine the heartache and pain Dalida and Meliha are having...
They need you... your love, your help, your friendship and your support in all ways possible...

!!Food Appeal!!
June 22, 2021 - !! FOOD APPEAL!! As the food supplier is willing to send orders for as much food as possible for current prices, funds must be raised to pay for these orders. If you can help...

There are few ways to donate:
Or For People without Paypal living in Europe; donating to Dalida is also possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 (bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida')
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donateDalida KozlicSehidska bbBrezaBosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
Thank you so much for caring
June 21, 2022 - Cute English bulldog Medo died today, very unexpected, no sign of any illness. Medo lived in the house with Meliha. He was most characteristic and a very active English bulldog, full of energy and enjoying his life. He was such a sweetheart. He belonged to the group of oldies.

Urgent fund raising for food
June 21, 2022 - Dalida: "The food supplier is willing to send orders for as much food as possible but we must raise funds and pay orders and hopefully get as much as food is possible with current prices please let’s continue raising funds for food tonight. We have reached the breaking point because of increase in prices and decrease in donations and we don’t have time to act at all".

Get involved! Become a monthly sponsor!
June 21, 2022 - Become a monthly sponsor to one of the dogs of the shelter. For instance Bella, Cura, Brka or Mico. Go to the page of this website called: Available for virtual adoption and you find more dogs.

Attention Please!
June 21, 2022 - Dalida:"Although it is very uncomfortable for me to talk about funds and costs, I have animals to feed and under these circumstances it is a huge question if we will be able to continue feeding them and taking care of them. You may think that I sound over dramatic but getting to the point where fuel costs 1.92e means not only that is a huge question how we will go to the shelter and back, how we will take animals to vets and provide supplies, but it also means that it is a huge question how to keep up with food and basic care. We have already come to position that for 1/3 less food can be bought monthly and the situation is such that money is losing its value daily here. You may also think that this problem can be solved in future. Unfortunately, this problem should have already started being solved. We need supplies while we can afford them, because with such development we won’t be able afford food and basic care for animals, we won’t be able to keep up. We must start providing things in advance".

New increase of fuel prices!
June 21, 2022 - Dalida:"We woke up with fuel prices of 1.92e (or 1.86e at smaller stations) this morning the next thing that is going to happen is that we will have new prices of essentials probably during the day or in the morning. Prices are totally out of control here, and authorities don't use any of mechanisms to decrease them for simple reason: excise taxes and ADV are very high here and they are the best way of filling the budget. This means that we won’t be able to keep up with prices anymore. I am constantly trying to warn that the future of our animals and the shelter is in question".

Beka's progress
June 20, 2022 - The photo is a bit blurry but look at this good girl. Beka is happier without a feeding tube, and she has gained some weight. The tumour is still changing and getting softer, which is a good sign.

It is Father's Day
June 19, 2022 - Eldar Kozlic, Dalida's father passed away on February 2, 2021. He left a great emptiness. His health could no longer compete with the pressure and stress. He died while rescuing animals that he had devoted his entire life to.

June 18, 2022 - We have reached the breaking point because of increase in prices and decrease in donations who would like to help to survive this situation?

Your donations are so welcome as food and medications are needed every day
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPal animals.075@outlook.com
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donate
Dalida Kozlic
Sehidska bb
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish
Saving animals at war time
June 18, 2022 - "Dedicating life to rescuing of animals means dealing with constant challenges It won’t be overreacting to say that we are facing one of toughest challenges now
My family saved animals during the war when no many people actually could and would help animals because Bosnia was hell on the Earth at the time" Dalida

Good news for Tiger Sivka Zelena Micika
June 18, 2022 - These four lovely cats are all virtual adopted by Cora from Belgium. Become a monthly sponsor yourself and help the shelter to survive.

June 17, 2022 - BECOME A TEAMER FOR ONLY €1,00 per month
Did you know that Dalida has a teaming group? Join the Teaming group and sponsor Usko's Nest Dog Shelter for only €1,00 per month!
More increase of prices
June 16, 2022 - Headlines are blacker and blacker, new increases of prices. Prices of wheat are going to be increased for 30 to 40%, electricity is going to be more expensive, all food is getting more and more expensive, process of manufacturing and transporting of food is getting more and more expensive. This is daily life in Bosnia.

Shared sponsoring
June 15, 2022 - How about sponsoring a dog or dogs, of Usko's Nest Dog Shelter, with friends, family or colleagues?
For instance Teddy and Freddy, two brothers saved in 2013 when they were puppies. Found alone in a busy street, lost and traumatised.

June 14, 2022 - The vet inspection had a regular visit to the house of Meliha, Dalida's mum. Everything went fine and was okay.

Visit from Sweden
June 13, 2022 - Happy day at the shelter with the visit of Laila from Sweden.

Urgent appeal for vet bill
June 13, 2022 - This is Dabo, one of the many dogs that need regular vet care. Weekly there is a vet bill to pay of 180 euro for dogs like Dabo who are in need of constant vet care for their skin problems or other chronic conditions. Can you help with this weekly bill please?

Good news for Bess
June 13, 2022 - Bess is virtual adopted by Karin from Belgium.

June 12, 2022 - Grooming the dogs is not only a good way to get rid of the lose hair but also to check the dogs on ticks. In Bosnia there are ticks that can cause a dangerous tick disease by dogs. It is very important to give the dogs anti ticks treatment but these are very expensive, so every help is welcome to buy this.

Rapid increase of food prices
June 11, 2022 - With so many mouths to feed at Usko's Nest, every help is needed!

Good news for Vucko and Cicko
June 11, 2022 - Both Vucko and Cicko are virtual adopted by Nel from The Netherlands. Virtual adoption is an important way to keep the shelter, Usko's Nest, running. Consider to become a monthly sponsor yourself.

Urgent appeal for donations for anti ticks and fleas treatment
June 10, 2022 - It is tick and flea season! It is hot and high humidity! Ticks are all around and they can cause very dangerous tick disease by the dogs when the tick carriers a little parasite called babesiosis! As good anti tick treatments are very expensive all help is welcome.

June 8, 2022 - Despite the best efforts of the vets, the little dormouse, that was found a week ago, didn't make it and crossed the rainbow bridge.

June 7, 2022 - This food match challenge has proved that together we can move mountains in a short period of time! The target of 1000 euro is matched! So a very big Thank You to all of you who supported this challenge. It is a wonderful achievement.
Have you missed the challenge? And would you still like to support the shelter, Usko's Nest Dog Shelter? Your donations are always welcome as food and medications are needed every day
For People living in Europe; donating to Dalida is possible to bankaccountnumber NL43SNSB0787480983 bankaccountholder: Stichting Save a Stray, BIC: SNSBNL2A. Please mention 'For Dalida Or use this special Dalida link https://bunq.me/StichtingSaveaStrayDalida...
Or PayPal animals.075@outlook.com
Or Western Union and MoneyGram which are the fastest ways to donate
Dalida Kozlic
Sehidska bb
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Or Tikkie Or Laila’s Swish

Appeal for weekly vet bill
June 6, 2022 - The weekly vet bill is for medications and care for the older animals and animals with chronic conditions like skin diseases and eye problems. Every week 180e must be paid. Can you help with this vet bill?

June 5, 2022 - Cutting the grass and removing it. It is very important because the area is full of snakes!

Hot weather
June 3, 2022 - Dogs playing with water to cool down, due to hot weather

Food Match Challenge
June 2, 2022 - As food will be increased again on Tuesday, today a Food Match Challenge has started to raise as much funds as possible to buy food against the old price.

New kid on the block
June 1, 2022 - A little dormouse found by Dalida's mum and taken to the vet. His back leg is injured and he is dehydrated, but he will be fine.

Little puppy boy
June 1, 2022 - This little boy was hit by a car last Friday, and the people that found him, took him to a vet, he examined the pup but wasn’t competent enough to treat him. Eventually the pup came in the care of Dalida and a friend and Dalida's vets. The vets did everything they could but the internal injuries were too awful, his spleen was ruptured and the poor little boy died this morning.

Good news for Rue
June 1, 2022 - Rue is virtual adopted by someone from Sweden, thank you so much! Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest, to keep them safe and the shelter running. Consider to become a monthly sponsor for one or more of the rescues.

Good news for Mala
May 31, 2022 - Mala is virtual adopted by Janny from The Netherlands, she will be Mala's monthly sponsor. Thank you so much Janny! Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest, to keep them safe and the shelter running. Maybe you like to become a monthly sponsor too for one or more of the rescues.

Beka comes home

May 20, 2022 - After succesful fundraising to pay for the treatments for Beka at the clinic of Slovenia, she is on her way home! A Big Thank you to everyone who has helped to get this little girl back home!
May 18, 2022 - Today beautiful and lovely Monnie died very unexpectedly of a heart attack, she was 8 years old. She lived with her sister Bonnie at Usko's Nest.

Emergency action to raise funds for food
May 14, 2022 - A bag of food has been gone up from 7.5e to 8.1e and next week it will again be increased to 8.9e So let's organise an online action of raising food for the animals: who will donate 8.1e for a bag of food?

Urgent help is needed for treatments Beka
May 14, 2022 - Beka is having a reaction to chemotherapy and radiations, which is normal for all oncology patients, she is getting many support, medications and treatments. Urgent help is needed for funds as the costs of her treatments are huge!

The remarkable transformation of Noel
May 14, 2022 - Look at these pictures of Noel. The first one was made December 2021, just a bag of bones, starved and almost eaten by skin mites (demodex). Picture below left is now, May 2022! A beautiful dog fully recovered from his physical injuries but still recovering from trauma's. Every day he is making new steps! This is what rescuing is all about, and this is where your help is so much needed and appreciated! Thank you everyone for all the help and for saving Noel.

Monthly sponsoring for a more stable income

May 13, 2022 - Dalida and her shelter Usko's Nest need your support now more than ever. Because the war doesn’t stop at the borders of Ukraïne and consequences are also effecting Dalida’s suppliers and prices going sky high of food and medicines. What Dalida really needs now are people who want to secure a stable monthly base for her by becoming a monthly sponsor as that is the best way to keep the animals safe. Taking care of a shelter is not a romantic fairy tale, it is a harsh job with lots of worries.
Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest Dog Shelter and to keep them safe and the shelter running. Consider to become a monthly sponsor for one or more of the rescues.
Or become a weekly food sponsor.
May 12, 2022 - Interesting facts about Freya:
* she is the largest of all dogs
* her main life interest is food
* although she is a huge girl, she is a true sweetheart and a huge cuddly teddy bear
* her hobbies are bothering Aiko or being lazy
* she needs much grooming and of course food

A new increase of food prices
May 10, 2022 - Every day it gets more and more difficult to deal with the huge inflation and increase of prices of food and medicines. Dalida needs all the help she can get, her priority is to take care of 140 animals, to keep them fed and healthy but she needs al possible help, she can't manage to do this on her own.

Stormy weather
May 10, 2022 - Special care and attention are needed during storms to keep animals calm and help them relax as many of the rescues are afraid of thunderstorms. But Sargo chose to stay outside and hide.

Beka and her vets
May 9, 2022 - Beka and her amazing Slovenian vets, professor dr. Butinar, who runs the clinic and Beka's personal vet Ana. They are giving Beka a chance she never could have had in Bosnia.

Appeal to help with weekly vet bill
May 9, 2022 - The weekly vet bill is for medications and care for the older animals, animals with chronic conditions and for the animals that are recovery from surgery like Troy and Hope. Every week 180e must be paid. Can you help? Every help is welcome.

Good news for Lucky
May 9, 2022 - Lucky is virtual adopted by Lesley from England, she will be his monthly sponsor, thank you so much Lesley! Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest, to keep them safe and the shelter running. Consider to become a monthly sponsor for one or more of the rescues.

Spring cleaning at Usko's Nest
May 7, 2022 - Busy weekend at the shelter, spring cleaning!

Urgent appeal for fundraising for Beka's treatments
May 7, 2022 - Beka is doing so well! On Monday May 9, 2022 the first annuity of 2000 euro must be paid in order to coninue her treatments. So there is an urgent appeal for fundraising at the moment. Every euro is welcome!

Sandy left an empty space
May 7, 2022 Being together with their mum all their life, Sandy's children, Mandy, Roko and Coco have to adjust to the new situation and the empty space their mother left.

Fundraising for Beka's treatments at clinic Slovenia
May 6, 2022 - In order to save Beka's life, it is necessary to continue paying treatments. Her tumour has been decreased for more than 15%, her nose is coming back to the normal position and the tumour is going down. First annuity of 2000 euro must be paid on Monday May 9, 2022

Another rise in prices
May 6, 2022 - Prices of dry food have been increased again, a bag of 10kg now costs 8.1 euro

Sandy crossed the rainbow bridge
May 5, 2022 - Many years ago Sandy and her babies were saved from an illegal public killing pound, she never recovered from trauma's. Her babies are still at Usko's Nest and also traumatised. Sandy died of a stroke.

Good news for Troy
May 5, 2022 - Troy is virtual adopted by Mieke from The Netherlands, she will be his monthly sponsor, thank you so much Mieke! Virtual adoption is an important way to help the animals at Usko's Nest, to keep them safe and the shelter running. Consider to become a monthly sponsor for one or more of the rescues.

Beka at clinic in Slovenia
May 3, 2022 - After three sessions of radiation treatments, Beka's tumour has already been decreased for 15%

Beka to clinic in Slovenia
April 29, 2022 - Beka admitted at clinic in Slovenia for treatment facial tumour